Thursday, November 14, 2024

Two-Day International Seminar on “Breaking Barriers: Advancing Psychological Well-being Across Borders” (Hybrid Mode)

Two-Day International Seminar on “Breaking Barriers: Advancing Psychological Well-being Across Borders” (Hybrid Mode)

Date:- 13th & 14th December, 2024

Location:- Indraprastha Auditorium, SDMC (Autonomous), Ujire

Organizers:- Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire

Registration Fees:-

1. Students: 800/-
2. Research Scholars: 1,300/-
3. Faculty & Professional: 2,300/-

1. Students: 1,000/-
2. Offline. Research Scholars: 1,500/-
3. Faculty & Professional: 2,500/-

Early Bird Registration (extended till 30th November, 2024)

The department offers a group registration discount: five students can register together for Rs. 4500/- instead of Rs. 5000

Contact details:- Dr. Maheshbabu.N, Assistant Professor Department of PG Studies and Research in Psychology, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire
Mobile: 9740623126

Registration link:-