Monday, October 30, 2023

International Conference on Indian Psychology and Mental Health

The School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Heritage, Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth, is organising an International Conference on Indian Psychology and Mental Health from 1st to 3rd December 2023 at the Warriam Road facility of the University, in hybrid mode. The conference will provide pearls of wisdom of Indian Psychological knowledge on managing mental health.

The conference has ten technical sessions by Dr. Satheesh Varma, Prof. Craig Hassed, Prof. William Gordon, Prof. Meetu Agarwal, Prof. Amesh Pattni, Dr Shilpa Pandit, Prof. Sam Manickam, Prof. Rashmi Jaypal, Prof. Sunita Grandhee and Dr. Tara Kannan followed by paper presentations by professionals and students.

Confirm your participation

Registration Fees
Professionals: Rs. 1500 | Students: Rs. 500

Registration fees to be paid to the following account: 
Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth CU 
A/c CEG 
Name of Bank: HDFC Bank 
Account No: 50200027727252 
Name of Branch: Veliyanad 
IFSC Code: HDFC0001519 

After paying the registration fee, use the following link to 
complete the process.