Wednesday, September 3, 2014


वेदव्यास संस्कृत की पुनःसंरचना योजना
के अधीन आयोजित
एक दिवसीय क्षेत्रीय कार्यशाला
वैदिक सकल सुख सम्पद् सूची निर्माण एवम् नीति निर्माण
दिनाङ्क- १३ – ०९- २०१४, दिन — शनिवार
स्थान न्यू सेमिनार हाल,  समय प्रातः १०.०० बजे
आयोजक – संस्कृत विभाग, सनातन् धर्म कालेज , (लाहौर), अम्बाला छावनी।  
अकादमिक सहयोग एवम् समर्थन सनातन धर्म रिसर्च एण्ड डेवेल्पमेण्ट सेण्टर, अम्बाला
Download the details from below;
GNH Workshop

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Extension of deadline for registrati​on to 7th March

Description: handswan.jpg2nd Foundation Course in Yoga Psychology

11th March to 11th April, 2014

Conducted by

Centre for Indian Psychology

Description: JU-Logo-text-v11.png


Today, across the globe, yoga has been accepted and acknowledged as a potent means to help restore and enhance physical, emotional and psychological well-being. Traditionally however, its role extended far beyond its therapeutic nature. It served primarily as a rigourous and time-tested tool for Self-knowledge and self-development. Hence, in order to acquire a deeper appreciation of the Yogic tradition, it becomes imperative to explore its psychological dimensions that are significant and relevant in the present context in order to evolve a more comprehensive and effective system of psychology that can be effectively applied for self-management and self-development. In this backdrop, the Centre for Indian Psychology proposes a one month Foundation Course in Yoga Psychology which will be the first in a series of Basic and Advanced Courses in Indian Psychology.

Content and Outline of the Course

The four credit (60 hrs) course is planned keeping in view the philosophical, theoretical and applicational underpinnings of the subject as well as the need to situate them in the context of mainstream psychology. It aims to introduce the participants to the theory and application of the psychological dimensions of various streams of Yoga as expounded in the texts like the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras. It will further aim at providing them with a foundation of the basic concepts and theories related to Consciousness, the nature of the Self, identity, various streams of Yoga; discussing issues related to knowledge and research in Yoga Psychology; as well as applying and working with some of the transformative aspects of Yoga Psychology.

Highlights of the Course

·         4 credit Certificate Course

·         Includes 2 Residential Workshops on Self-management and Self-development

·         Classes in the evenings and over 2 weekends

·         Experiential learning

·         Methodology involves: Lectures, Demonstrations, Practical Sessions, Sharing of Experiences, Analysis, Review of Relevant Literature, Interaction etc.


Plans and procedures

§  Duration: 4 weeks (11th of March - 11th April, 2014)

§  Sessions will be conducted twice a week: Tuesday and Fridays evenings (6.00pm – 8.00pm)

§  2 Residential weekends: 22nd – 23rd March 2014 & 5th -6th April 2014

§  There will be an Orientation programme on 11th March 2014 where further details regarding the Course itself will be provided.


Assessment of the Programme:

The learning is assessed through the following activities:

§  Group Discussions

§  Assignments based on theory and practise

§  A short report at the end of the course


Eligibility for Participants:  

 Psychologists, Counsellors, Teachers, Students,  Professionals, Corporate Trainers, Yoga teachers and anyone interested in applying Yogic knowledge for self-management and self-development.


Further Details


Ø  Number of participants      : Limited seats.

Ø  Inclusion of participants    : On ‘first come first served’ basis.

Ø  Registration                       : Last date for registration by 6th March, 2014, by sending an email to

Ø  Course fees                        : Rs. 5,500/- for students and Rs. 7,500/- for professionals includes two Residential Workshops, relevant course material, certificate and group photograph.

Ø  Venue                                : Centre for Indian Psychology                                                                      # 127/3, ‘Genohelix’, Bull Temple Road, Chamrajpet, B’lore – 560 019

Ø  Contact Information          : 9880739482 (Anuradha Choudry)  9880193872  (Vinayachandra)


We are happy to share that the Faculty will include eminent scholars and practitioners in the field.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

Indian Psychology Newsletter

Greetings from Pondicherry!
The Indian Psychology Institute is happy to announce its IPWS2014 Semester Courses Indian Psychology
“Puducherry course”       8-day intensive in Puducherry: May 25 – June 1, 2014      4 weekends in Puducherry: Jul 26-27; Aug 30-31; Sep 27-28; Nov 1-2     “Delhi course”        8-day intensive in Puducherry: June 22 – June 29, 2014        4 weekends in Delhi:  Jul 19-20; Aug 23-24; Sept 20-21; Oct 18-19
For further information and registration form, please see the IPWS2014 Announcement on the  IPI website (
Last date for registration: April 1, 2014
Warm regards, Matthijs Cornelissen

Friday, January 31, 2014

Second Online Session of SPPIS Haryana

Society for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (SPPIS), Haryana
Second Online Session

on the theme

Development of Philosophy in India

24th June, 2014

Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS), Milestone Education Society (Regd.), Pehowa (Kurukshetra)-136128


Foundations and Applications of Indian Psychology

Greetings from Pondicherry!
We are happy to let you know that Foundations and Applications of Indian Psychology has finally come out.
This "abridged" edition consists of 24 carefully selected chapters from Foundations of Indian Psychology, plus two new chapters. Each of its chapters covers an important aspect of Indian Psychology, and together, the 26 chapters of Foundations and Applications of Indian Psychology offer probably one of the best introductions to the field.
The first of the new chapters, by Anand Paranjpe, is about the typical Indian neighbourhood guru, and, personally, I think that this chapter alone is worth the price of the book, even if you have the first edition of Foundations already. The second new chapter, by Ashish Pandey and Rajen K. Gupta, is about another major aspect of IP, the effect of spirituality in the workplace. The full Contents of Foundations and Applications, with a short description of each chapter, can be assessed on the IPI website, at
Foundations and Applications is available for Rs. 401/- from Pearson's online bookshop at
Pearson has marked it "For Sale Worldwide", and it can be paid in non-Indian currencies. Delivery within India is free.
Get it now. Enjoy the read!
Warm regards,
Matthijs Cornelissen