Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Life Positive Expo - 2012 International Festival for Holistic Living

The Life Positive Expo - 2012
International Festival for Holistic Living

The Life Positive Expo is a showcase for the eclectic wisdom of the world… where self-realised sages share timeless wisdom… and contemporary coaches teach you cutting-edge techniques.

Three days of undiluted growth, positivity and possibilities, devoted to your higher purpose
27, 28, 29, January 2012 at India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003.

Workshops will be allotted on first come-first serve basis. Limited seats available. Rush your entries now.

Monday, November 14, 2011

New Book: Reconsidering Classical Indian Thoughts

Reconsidering Classical Indian Thoughts neither claims, nor attempts to be a definitive study of all the characteristics as concept(s) of classical Indian thoughts. It is a modest attempt of the editor to familiarise the common, but philosophy reader with the fundamental conceptions of ancient Indian culture. I hope, by studying this book the reader will understand the relevance of Indian classical thoughts.

Here we have collected 20 papers both in English and Hindi languages written on Indian epistemology, metaphysics, logic, ethics and social philosophy. To study the nature of philosophy in India and its implementation in all spheres of human life is one of the most important objectives of our Centre. In this regard we have published two online books entitled Philosophy, Education and Indian Value System and Positive Philosophy for Contemporary Indian Society, respectively.

Edited by: Dr Desh Raj Sirswal

ISBN: 978-81-922377-0-1

First Edition, 2011

© Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS), Pehowa (Kurukshetra)


Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS), Milestone Education Society (Regd.), Balmiki Dharmashala, Ward No.06, Pehowa (Kurukshetra)-136128 (Haryana) Emails:,

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Call for Papers for the Second Issue of Lokāyata

Call for Papers for the Second Issue of Lokāyata

Lokāyata: Journal of Positive Philosophy

Lokāyata: Journal of Positive Philosophy is a bi-annual interdisciplinary journal of the Center for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS). The name Lokāyata can be traced to Kautilya’s Arthashastra, which refers to three ānvīkikīs (logical philosophies), Yoga, Samkhya and Lokāyata. Lokāyata here still refers to logical debate (disputatio, “criticism”) in general and not to a materialist doctrine in particular. The objectives of the journal are to encourage new thinking on concepts and theoretical frameworks in the disciplines of humanities and social sciences to disseminate such new ideas and research papers (with strong emphasis on modern implications of philosophy) which have broad relevance in society in general and man’s life in particular. The Centre will publish two issues of the journal every year. Each regular issue of the journal will contain full-length papers, discussions and comments, book reviews, information on new books and other relevant academic information. Each issue will contain about 100 Pages.

Theme of Present Issue:

Concept of Mind (Manas) and Intelligence (Buddhi) in Indian Philosophy

Instructions to the Contributors

The article should be typewritten preferably in Times New Roman font with 12 sizes (English) in MS-Word 2003 and should be between 3000 to 5000 words. They should be typed on one side of the paper, double spaced with ample margins, and contain author(s)/contributor’s name and his/her institutional affiliation along with the complete mailing address. An abstract of 150-200 words should be included. The authors should submit the hard copy alongwith a CD or as an e-mail attachment to be sent to

Only papers which have not been published elsewhere will be considered. Proofs will be sent to the authors if there if sufficient time to do so.

Time Line: 31st January, 2012

Reference Style:

Notes and references should appear at the end of the articles as Notes. Arrange references in alphabetical order by the last name of the first author and then by his initials. The following style of reference may be strictly followed:

  • In case of Journal: Authors last name, initials, year of publication, name of the paper, name of the journal (italic), volume number, issue number and page number.
  • In case of a Book: Authors last name, initials, year of publication, title of the book(italic), name of publisher, place of publication and page numbers.
  • In case of an edited Book: Authors last name, initials, year of publication, name of the editor, title of the book (italic), name of publisher, place of publication and page numbers.
  • In case of institution/Govt. Report: full name of the institution/ministry, year of publication, place of publication.

All contributions to the Journal, other editorial enquiries and books for review are to be sent to:

Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal,

Editor, Lokāyata: Journal of Positive Philosophy,

Centre for Positive Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies (CPPIS),

Milestone Education Society (Regd), Valmiki Dharmashala, Pehowa,

Distt. Kurukshetra (HARYANA)-136128 (India)

Mobile No.09896848775, 08968544048



Reference: CPPIS/11/065 Dated: 22/09/2011

Friday, September 9, 2011


Sanatana Dharma College (Lahore), Ambala Cantt.


One Day National seminar



भारतीय अन्तःकरण(मनो)विज्ञान का परिभाषिकीकरण अन्तःकरण, शरीर एवम् चेतना के विषय

Organized by- Department of Sanskrit, S. D. College (Lahore) Ambala Cantt.

Sponsored by - Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi

Academic Collaboration - Department of Psychology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.

Academic & organizational Support – S D Adarsh Sanskrit college,

Departments of Music & Home Science

Date – 08 OCTOBER, 2011. SATURDAY

TIMING – 9.00 A.M. TO 5.30 P.M.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Defining Indian Psychology for the 5th time through another interdisciplinary seminar in the terms of working models, concepts and theories of human behaviour from the utilitarian angle is a challenge to every intellectual, academician and scholar. I.P. should not be misunderstood as western psychology being taught by Indian scholars in India and at the same time this particular seminar does not intend to find faults with the present day system of psychology or even undermine its understanding about the human behaviour. For us I.P. refers to the traditional or indigenous understanding of individual or collective human behavior in a particular situation as described by Acharya Shankar in his Adhyaaasa Bhaashaya and other scholars of different systems and makes an effort to introduce I.P. as a scientific system in the class rooms. In the last few years some efforts have been made and some good works have been published in this field. It is in this sense the agenda put forth is an ongoing agenda and shall continue because of the very nature of the things that are being dealt with. We need more clarity about the goal. So what is our aim in this seminar? Do we want to replace /compliment /challenge /solve everyday problems of life or what? Do we want to reiterate what has been said earlier? Do we want to offer a better perspective, better in terms of possibilities for a better world? Mere examination of one perspective may not be enough. For this purpose we expect working models, methods, techniques, concepts, theories, terms to be used for human behaviour and its rational understanding, laboratory/ clinical experiments, tests to be taught to the students and counseling etc from the scholars.

As per the Sanskrit Shaastraas the driving forces of human behaviour काम, द्वेष, क्रोध, लोभ, मद, मत्सर etc. which certainly defines one’s personality (आकृति+प्रकृति) by which one either acts or reacts to the world outside and that too is restricted by 6 sheaths (कञ्चुक) namely – कला, विद्या, राग, काल, नियति, माया (confinement to particular creativity, attachment, knowledge, time, space and individuality) which are responsible for contraction, expansion and control of consciousness, personality, relationships. These factors complicate the human behaviour. More over the use of language makes every iota of human behaviour very very complex. Can we imagine human behaviour in the absence of these six instinctive forces? Can these in anyway be specified as सात्विक/ राजसिक/ तामसिक? How can one evaluate the quantity or quality of these forces? When do they become sickness and need to be cured? If the quantity or quality of any one of these becomes too low then how do we improve these so that a person becomes normal? Can we base the motivational theory only on three instinctive desires- पुत्रैषणा, वित्तैषणा, लोकैषणा? What are the parameters of personality prescribed in Sanskrit Shastras which may include both body and internal faculties (मन, बुद्धि, चित्त, अहंकार, हृदय)? What and how these five internal faculties work or what makes them act the way they act? What are the evaluative methods of five levels of psyche of an ordinary person- क्षिप्त, मूढ़, विक्षिप्त, एकाग्र, निरुद्ध which remains disturbed by five क्लेश- अविद्या, अस्मिता, राग, द्वेष, अभिनिवेश। One very important word of I.P is संस्कार the question is how we can bring the study of it to class rooms and clinics? Does body influence mind or mind influence body? What makes one feel alive- is it प्राण or something else- like- चेतना, चित्, आत्मा? What is the relationship of प्राण and चेतना? How can a person (व्यक्ति) be described wholesome or when can we call him a normal person? Is being normal and healthy one and the same thing? There are many more questions which need to be resolved, defined, reconstructed, restructured and answered in the light of I.P.

We request you to send us a copy of questions in advance so that the technical sessions may be conducted accordingly.

Scholars are very humbly requested to write their papers only from the utilitarian or practical angles so that their material may be utilized in the revised courses of Sanskrit and other related subjects.


. शोधपत्र (संस्कृत/ हिन्दी/ अंग्रेजी) की कम्पयूटरीकृत साफ़्ट एवं हार्ड प्रति आवश्यक रूप से दिनांक 30सितम्बर, 2011

तक आवश्यक रूप से पहुंच जानी चाहिए।

२. कृपया समय का सम्मान करें ताकि का वैचारिक सत्र में विलम्ब न हो।

आशुतोष अंगिरस प्रोफ़ैसर सी० आर० डरोलिया डा० देशबन्धु

संगोष्ठी निदेशक डिपार्टमेण्ट आफ़ साईकालोजी, प्राचार्य

098963-94569 कुरुक्षेत्र विश्वविद्यालय, 09812053283 कुरुक्षेत्र।

विशिष्ट सहयोग- डा० विष्णु दत्त शर्मा, प्राचार्य, डी एच डी एस डी आदर्श संस्कृत महाविद्यालय। 09896356235

आयोजन एवम् स्वागत समिति

डा० उमा शर्मा, डा० परम जीत कौर प्रो० नीलम अहूजा प्रो० कमलेश सिंह प्रो० सोनिका

09466046186 09416862076 09315591740 09416954546

प्रो० नीतू बाला प्रो० नीरज बत्तरा

09996899899 09416459237


एक -दिवसीय

राष्ट्रीय सम्वाद गोष्ठी एवम् कार्यशाला


भारतीय अन्तःकरण(मनो)विज्ञान का परिभाषिकीकरण अन्तःकरण, शरीर एवम् चेतना के विषय

आयोजक संस्कृत विभाग, एस० डी० कालेज (लाहौर), अम्बाला छावनी।

प्रायोजक- इण्डियन काऊँसिल आफ़ सोशल साईंस रिसर्च, नई दिल्ली।

दिनांक ०८ अक्टूबर, २०११ दिन -शनिवार

पंजीकरण - ०९.०० से ०९.३० तक

अन्तःकरण-विज्ञान सत्र.३० से ११.०० तक

चाय-पान- ११.०० से ११.१५ तक

शरीरेन्द्रिय तथा प्राण सत्र - ११.१५ से .३० तक

भोजनावकाश.३० से .१५ तक

अन्तःकरण सत्र -.१५ से .०० तक

चाय-पान - .०० से .१५ तक

चेतना सत्र.१५ से .३० तक





________________________________________________ प्रेषक


सनातन धर्म कालेज (लाहौर)

अम्बाला छावनी। १३३००१
